Monday, November 23, 2009

Trust God!

I know, it's rough. Things have gotten so bad. The things we once relied on, clearly, cannot support us. You know, our jobs, our retirement plans, the government, etc. None of these things should have taken the place of God in our lives. You may be saying to yourself, "these weren't first in my life". Are you sure? Let's see. How are you faring today? How has the economic downturn affected your life? Is everything the way you want it? Oh well, so you got a job; are you doing what you really want to do? How are the benefits working for you? What about that fantastic medical plan you have? Is it the best coverage for you and your family? How many years have you had to work to get three (3) weeks of vacation now to find out they're cutting you to two (2). Is that working for you? You got how much in your 401K? Is it enough? Better still, have you gotten your share of the stimulus plans yet? What happened? What about your bailout?

Come on everybody; it's time to wake up. God is calling us to a higher place in Him. Having a job, retirement savings, government assistance, etc. was never suppose to take the place of our relationship with God. I know, just like me, we got caught up in all that money we have. All the promises that were made to us from one entity to another. Yes, we got caught up. Now, our lives seem to be in a "rut". We don't know where to turn. We throw our hands up in desperation. Some of us are going waaaaaay off the deep end by commiting suicide.

Nevertheless, the problems are still here. We keep watching the television, listening at the radio hoping the govenment has found a way out. We listen on our jobs to find out whether things are turning round. We are praying desperately that God will help us and get us out of the mess we're in. Some of us have tried everything. Yet nothing has worked.

You know why? We are mis-focused. Instead of trying to get God to do something for us, has it ever occured to us that He wants the "place" that we have given to everybody and everything. All we seem to want God to do, is fix the problem so we can continue serving our gods. Ouch! It's true, we have looked to jobs, money, government, etc. to meet our needs. What happen to God meeting the needs of His people? We say we know this. Nevertheless, we work feverishly trying to take care of ourselves.

We have to get to the point in our lives when we understand there is not but one answer to the "economic" crisis in our lives. The answer is Jesus Christ. The Bible so clearly states in St. John 14:6 "....I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by me".

You have to know this. When you do; you'll cease from looking to another. Christ is "able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us - Eph. 3:20. (KJV)

So there you have it. It's all in the Word of God. Take the Word and first, believe it, and second receive it for your life. You SHALL be Blessed!

Be Blessed My Friends,

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Resting in Provision

For so many years, I've carried the burden of taking care of myself. I understand now, that to do so is part of the Western culture. It's the mindset of those who seem to be in charge. Growing up in my family and in the school systems, we are encouraged to seek more, to compete, to strive, and to stay busy is a virtue of materialism. Coming to understand that the god of this world is materialism, I have always strove against it in my life only to find myself becoming entangled anyway. I didn't get it. I warred continously in my soul against it because in the deep longings of my heart, I knew something wasn't right. But I couldn't put my finger on it. I couldn't articulate the image in my heart which said "God, has another way to live." I sought diligently throughout the "church" world. I kept hearing how God is our Provider. Over and over, I pondered it. I prayed desperately to understand how He provided. Because, really, the provision I was providing wasn't "getting " it for me.

I remember saying to myself countless times; if my life was being provided for by God, then I was in trouble. You see, I was saved, sanctified and fill with the Holy Ghost. I studied the Word of God diligently; yet the answer to Provision was not clear. So I suffered many years. Yes, I work, like so many others; but it was never enough. It was always "just enough". When emergencies would crop up, some how God's mercy would cover me and things would work out. Yet deep down, I felt, that this was not the way to live. There had to be a better way to live. That has been a conviction for years. I kept searching. I studied Matt. 6:33 until I was tired and then I would push myself to keep studying more. I learned the (logos) Word. I could quote it verbatim. I thought I knew the meaning. My pastor(s) over the years would share the meaning as well; but it just didn't "sit right" with me. The answers I was given didn't seem to touch what I was sensing in my heart. So I concluded, the answers I received did not work for me. Sorry, but for me, I found what I was spiritually eating was milk and not meat. I needed the "meat" of God's Word. A Word that would fatten me or make me fruitful in this area.

To make a long story short, I set my face to the wall and began to pour out to God how I felt about this world and survival. Believe me, when I say, "it wasn't pretty". But it began a deliverance in my life. God began to show me all the things I believed, that was contrary to who He is. He began to renew my mind, in the things of Him. I learned the difference in the God of the modern church which I now call the "Santa Claus" God or Materialism; and the God (Immanuel) talked about in the Word of God (Bible. ).

I share this story to create hope in you. My hope is that as you walk in the same shoes as I once have, you will know the hope of His calling is to bring you to His Provision and allow you to rest in it. God has and He always will provide for those that will "rest" in Provision (Him).

We have to come to the understanding that God has not taken away Provision from us. It is forever here. But we have a choice whether we will accept His Provision or whether we will seek our own. We can remember the story of the prodigal son in Luke 15:11-32. The story is about one of the father's boys' decided to go off on his own. It seems life the son felt, that he knew a better way to live. After a time, he realized he had made a mistake and he went back home. This is the short version of this parable; nontheless, it is true. We, too, as the prodigal son have left our roots. We tend to think like the Burger King's slogan: "You can have it your way". You really can, if you want to continue with not having enough or just enough.

Let's look at another story, Adam and Eve. Back in the beginning, they too had everything. Somehow, along the way, Eve got the "bright idea", that they could have more if they did it differently than what God had shared with them. Mind you, they already had more than enough in the garden. God (Our Father) had given them everything. There was nothing left to give. When we understand the word "all", then we can begin to build the framework of the whole gospel. God has given us everything (all). What more can he do? What is left, after giving us "all"! Nothing. Nothing else is left. To seek something else other than God or God's Provision is "madness". Don't we say the same thing about the prodigal son? The same judgement we've placed on the 'son' is the same judgement we are saying to ourselves. It's madness.

How long do we have to crawl around in the mud? or eat with the pigs? When will we wake up and understand that there's Provision back in the Father's house. There's more than enough (there)for us all. He has not left one of us, not provided for. Provision is in His House.

Looking at the economic times today and not knowing about tomorrow, you may throw your hands up in despair. But I challenge you to look at "the handwriting on the wall" or listen to "God's whispers to you" to come back home. You are welcome and He's waiting for you. He has provided a table for you. Why don't you come and take your seat. We're waiting!

Bless you my friend,

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The God Of Peace

Have you ever wondered what makes you "tick"? Why do you scurry about from one thing to another? Have you tried to get in solitude only to find yourself looking for ways to get busy? Are you afraid of sitting down and doing "nothing"?

What feelings do you feel after asking yourself these questions? Can you settle down enough to hear your own answers?

It's very important to answer yourself. It can be an "aha" moment for you. Like many of us, we move at an increasingly continual speed and we think at an even more incredible speed. We haven't learn how to stop and wait. We haven't learn how to become flexible to the ordered way of life. So we stay busy. We keep telling ourselves, "I've got to get this done and that done". When we finish "this and that"; then we start all over with "this and that". Is everything ever getting done? No, it's not, because it's a never ending cycle of EGO. It's never satisfied. It's similar to a rat race. When you finish one task, it has already suggested other things. Mind you, this can be with any activity. From driving to the store, exercising, cooking, etc. No matter what it is, we are still on the treadmill, trudging along.

Today, this is our time and our season to stop 'speed dialing' our lives. We can get out of the endless chatter (treadmill) and find rest for our weary souls. The scripture says: "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." - Matt. 11:28. We first, have to recognize where we are in our lives, realize that the way we are handling life isn't working. Second, recognize that our coping skills are keeping us steadily on this treadmill. As long as we stay on it, we will always be given another tool to use if the previous one isn't working. Get OFF!!! It's TIME!!! We can have rest. We have to realize what this means. It means that the "hustle and bustle" is over. We can stop and live life from a much clearer vantage point. We will get a chance to see that the winding road of the treadmill simply goes nowhere: but round and round.

We see how fast life seems to be moving. Years have come and gone seemingly at lightening speed. We wonder to ourselves, "My, how fast life is moving". Because we don't seem to have a chance to stop and ponder this thought? Is life... truly moving fast? Why does life seem to be moving so fast lately? In reality, it really isn't. It's a suggestion, (without question) that we accept as being true. It's another suggestion by EGO, mind you. Therefore, we must keep up with the times. Fast times. Fast pace. Something is telling us we have to keep up or get left behind because society, technology, industries are changing at record speed. So we push ourselves to keep going, get more; have more; save more, etc. It's futile. We can't keep up with the illusions. Because that's what is. The thought, "Life is moving fast", is an illusion. We have no other way to explain this madness. It's just MADNESS!!! We've got to get off this treadmill. It's a locomotive "gone wild". It's out of control. It doesn't stop. It's relentless. It keeps going and going and going. (Just like the ever ready bunny, remember the commercial?)

It's time to get off, folks. We can do that by simply waking up. Waking up to life which says, "I am". That's all. That's all we have to do. Wake up. God is waiting on us. Look at your circumstances. They are quiet whispers to us to wake up; to get off of EGO's treadmill. Will we listen today? Or, will we stay on it because we fear more of what will happen when we get off?

God blesses us when we get off. Jump. Awaken.

Friday, October 23, 2009

"Whom Do You Serve?" (Part 3)

Once I began to accept God as being my Source, the sense of freedom was wonderful. This was the beginning of a new walk in Christ.

Today, I pray this same freedom for you. You can stop trying to "run your own life" too. Realize that Jesus is pointing the way out for us. Accept Him and experience your release from every burden you may have. He knows what to do and how to do it. Leave it to Him.

Prayer: That you will be uplifted today in your spirit and that God will overwhelm you with His Presence.

Be Blessed, my friend

"Whom Do You Serve?" (Part 2)

Christ is saying that He is the answer for you. Your life may be turned "upside down". Everything that once worked does not seem to work anymore. The things you've depended on has fail. This could be another person, a job, debt or even a friend. Whatever it is, take a moment to consider if what you have depended so heavily on has really been a "god" in you life. This is the perfect time to reflect on exactly where you are in relationship with God. What has His role been in your dependency? How much focus have you given to Him being your Source?

You see, I've been at these crossroads, as well. I, too, had to realize that no matter how hard I worked or how hard I tried to please others, it never worked out. I was so dissatisfied and unfulfilled in my life. I tried getting these things from my job, friends, etc. This verse stood out to me. So I had to acknowledge that I had been on the wrong track going endlessly to more frustration and unfulfillment. I was depending on the wrong things. I had to "wake up".

Stay tuned for Part 3.

"Whom Do You Serve?"

Matt 6:24 (KJV)
"No man can serve two masters" for either he will hate the one and love the other; or else he will despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and Mammon."

Modern Christianity sometimes fail to address what the Bible says about serving other gods. In the Old Testament, it clearly addresses the serving of other gods. Whenever it would occur among the people, Go would send His Prophet to cleanse them with His Word. It would always be "that He would have no other gods before Him." - Ex. 20:3. Over and over the Bible teaches that their is only one God.

Down through the ages to the the 21st Century, we seem to have the same problems as the people in the Bible days. Jesus come on the scene at the "Sermon on the Mount" message declaring, "no man can serve two masters."

Have you thought about this in reference to your life? Are you at a place where your life seems "out of sorts"? Could this Word be answering a question for you?

Stay tuned for part 2.