Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The God Of Peace

Have you ever wondered what makes you "tick"? Why do you scurry about from one thing to another? Have you tried to get in solitude only to find yourself looking for ways to get busy? Are you afraid of sitting down and doing "nothing"?

What feelings do you feel after asking yourself these questions? Can you settle down enough to hear your own answers?

It's very important to answer yourself. It can be an "aha" moment for you. Like many of us, we move at an increasingly continual speed and we think at an even more incredible speed. We haven't learn how to stop and wait. We haven't learn how to become flexible to the ordered way of life. So we stay busy. We keep telling ourselves, "I've got to get this done and that done". When we finish "this and that"; then we start all over with "this and that". Is everything ever getting done? No, it's not, because it's a never ending cycle of EGO. It's never satisfied. It's similar to a rat race. When you finish one task, it has already suggested other things. Mind you, this can be with any activity. From driving to the store, exercising, cooking, etc. No matter what it is, we are still on the treadmill, trudging along.

Today, this is our time and our season to stop 'speed dialing' our lives. We can get out of the endless chatter (treadmill) and find rest for our weary souls. The scripture says: "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." - Matt. 11:28. We first, have to recognize where we are in our lives, realize that the way we are handling life isn't working. Second, recognize that our coping skills are keeping us steadily on this treadmill. As long as we stay on it, we will always be given another tool to use if the previous one isn't working. Get OFF!!! It's TIME!!! We can have rest. We have to realize what this means. It means that the "hustle and bustle" is over. We can stop and live life from a much clearer vantage point. We will get a chance to see that the winding road of the treadmill simply goes nowhere: but round and round.

We see how fast life seems to be moving. Years have come and gone seemingly at lightening speed. We wonder to ourselves, "My, how fast life is moving". Because we don't seem to have a chance to stop and ponder this thought? Is life... truly moving fast? Why does life seem to be moving so fast lately? In reality, it really isn't. It's a suggestion, (without question) that we accept as being true. It's another suggestion by EGO, mind you. Therefore, we must keep up with the times. Fast times. Fast pace. Something is telling us we have to keep up or get left behind because society, technology, industries are changing at record speed. So we push ourselves to keep going, get more; have more; save more, etc. It's futile. We can't keep up with the illusions. Because that's what is. The thought, "Life is moving fast", is an illusion. We have no other way to explain this madness. It's just MADNESS!!! We've got to get off this treadmill. It's a locomotive "gone wild". It's out of control. It doesn't stop. It's relentless. It keeps going and going and going. (Just like the ever ready bunny, remember the commercial?)

It's time to get off, folks. We can do that by simply waking up. Waking up to life which says, "I am". That's all. That's all we have to do. Wake up. God is waiting on us. Look at your circumstances. They are quiet whispers to us to wake up; to get off of EGO's treadmill. Will we listen today? Or, will we stay on it because we fear more of what will happen when we get off?

God blesses us when we get off. Jump. Awaken.

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